A recent survey carried out by GRiD, showed that employees want their employers to focus on the mental wellbeing of staff. Mental wellbeing is the top priority that employees are looking for; more so than the financial, social and physical pillars of wellbeing.
With the UK government encouraging employees to work from home unless absolutely necessary during the pandemic, this is having a detrimental effect on employees mental health. Employees are missing the interaction with other staff members, including the workplace banter and joint lunchtimes. The current work from home situation is making people feel isolated. Zoom meetings, phone calls and emails help of course but it isn’t the same as having face-to-face conversations and interaction.
As such there is currently a huge demand on the NHS for help to combat people suffering with mental health issues. Unfortunately the NHS simply cannot cope with providing free resources. This is where it falls to employers to provide suitable assistance such as private counselling and additional support for their employees.
Employers are also facing challenges during the pandemic though. Paying for office space when employees are working from home is a tough cost to cover. In addition, there is the cost of providing additional IT services such as computer and telecommunications support for employees working from home. All of this on top of providing additional resources to help employees with their mental wellbeing is difficult for employers.
One way employers are getting around this is by offering part-time office based work and part-time work from home. Some businesses have half of the office in one week and the other half of the office in the following week. It’s almost like team one and team two. Obviously a full deep clean takes place to protect each team.
This tackles many issues though. First of all the office can be arranged to accommodate for social distancing. Secondly the employees who are suffering whilst working from home are able to get the social interaction they need.
It also helps to carry out socially distanced but face-to-face appraisals, reviews or wellbeing catch up sessions. Being able to read facial expressions and body language is important to fully understand a situation. If the employee is struggling, this may not come across fully within a video call or telephone call.
It is important to remember that for most, being in the workplace promotes productivity. Something employers should consider when implementing their strategy.
Employers are being mindful about keeping their carbon footprint down and ensuring their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) obligations are met. As such encouraging employees to drive conventional petrol or diesel cars is not the top priority.
Many companies encourage car shares or public transport, however this has been reviewed as the UK government advice is to not use public transport unless absolutely necessary. As for car shares, this is completely out of the question as the emphasis is understandably on promoting social distancing, something which car shares do not promote.
Electric company cars could however be the answer. They produce zero emissions and are currently the best option for the planet and also now for your bank balance!
Both companies and employees can benefit from electric company cars. Keep reading to find out why!
HMRC wants people to go green wherever possible. As such they are rewarding people who drive more environmentally friendly cars.
So cars with lower CO2 emissions are taxed at a significantly lower rate compared to those with higher emissions.
The Benefit in Kind tax on electric company cars has dropped to 0% for the year 2020. As a result, employers and employees will make substantial savings on Tax and National Insurance.
The BiK tax will rise to only 1% in 2021 and up again to only 2% in 2022. Therefore during the pandemic, electric vehicles could be the answer to many issues. These issues include but are not limited to tackling environmental issues, improving company CSR and helping employees with their mental health.
Surely it’s a win, win!
In order for a company and its employees to benefit from free electric company cars, the employees must simply pay income tax in the UK. Depending on whether the employee is within the 20% tax bracket or 40% tax bracket, will depend on which electric company car is best.
Simply click here and complete the form. EVision will do all the calculations for you. You’ll know within 48 hours whether electric company cars are the way forward.